
Welcome to Cubaland, where the Party is always on.

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Location: Jacksonville, Florida

i was born in Cuba in 1966. came to the US during the Mariel Boat Lift in 1980. i have never been able to stop reading about Cuba on a daily basis. now i'm writing about it, though certainly not daily.

Saturday, November 01, 2008

will an Obama victory signify the end of the embargo?

by itself, not likely ... but

(yes, there's a but)

with the House and the Senate firmly in Democrat hands, it is very possible (indeed, likely) that the 50-year-old embargo may come to an end

and it's about time


because the US has been stuck on a policy that has not worked for fifty years. maybe it's time to try something else? heck, it can't fail any more miserably than the embargo.

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