
Welcome to Cubaland, where the Party is always on.

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Location: Jacksonville, Florida

i was born in Cuba in 1966. came to the US during the Mariel Boat Lift in 1980. i have never been able to stop reading about Cuba on a daily basis. now i'm writing about it, though certainly not daily.

Friday, March 28, 2008

Cubans Can Have Cell Phones

so, today, King Raul made an announcement allowing his subjects ... to use cell phones

for those you trying to understand Cuba (or any totalitarian regime), think about this. the Head Honcho of your country ... announces ... you can use a cell phone from now on

think about this for a while, and you may begin to understand the control under which the Cuban people live

as to what this means, it's consistent with King Raul's attempts to relax the rules somewhat ... but only somewhat, mind you. he wants better production and economic efficiency, and he understands that people who work for material rewards (such as cell phones) tend to work better and harder

look for more changes providing "consumer society" rewards to the Cuban people. my hope is that these reforms will run away from King Raul as the Cuban people get small doses of freedom and demand more

Fidel was always weary of the smallest crack in the dike of control, fearing (perhaps rightly so) that the smallest loss of control could lead to the collapse of his regime.



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