In Cubaland There's Always the Party

have fun in Cubaland, party at Havana Club
in the real Cubaland, the party comes after you:
yes, that's six (six) cops escorting a 60-ish year old newly-minted political prisoner to one of Cuba's interrogation centers. wonder what the old timer did. use a too-sharp pen to threaten the might of the Cuban state?
no wonder Cuban dissidents are afraid:
Oscar Espinosa, a Cuban dissident, was jailed for nearly 19 months for opposing the Castro regime. He tells Melissa Block that many dissidents expect more trouble for government opponents with power in the hands of Raul Castro. Listen to the NPR interview.
says one of Cuba's most outspoken dissidents:
"Fidel Castro may be sick, but neither the Ministry of the Interior nor the state security is sick," said Vladimiro Roca, a prominent dissident and head of a small opposition political party. "The only thing we can do for the moment is wait."
translation: you stick your head out, you get your head chopped off.
in Cubaland, the Party is always on.
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